Art and CultureRecommendedInterview with Silvia RoncheyLorenza CappaneraOctober 23, 2024October 24, 2024 di Lorenza CappaneraOctober 23, 2024October 24, 20240810 I have wanted to interview her for ages. The book that introduced me to her, her “Enigma di Piero” recommended to me on a winter afternoon... Read
Landscapes and Architecture{:it}The road leading to Urbino{:}{:en}The road leading to Urbino {:}Lorenza CappaneraNovember 24, 2017November 25, 2017 di Lorenza CappaneraNovember 24, 2017November 25, 20170746 {:en}Once upon a time there was a railway that led to Urbino……. That is, the railway which, starting from the coast, arrived in the ducal city and back, 48 km... Read