Fashion and CraftsThe master of pipe in JesiLorenza CappaneraNovember 24, 2017January 5 2018 di Lorenza CappaneraNovember 24, 2017January 5 201801106 {:it} by Massimiliano Giorgi Among the excellences of the Marche are the pipe artisans. Some industrial production, but mostly... Read
Fashion and Crafts{:it}Alice and woven straw hats{:}{:en}Alice and woven straw hats{:}Lorenza CappaneraOctober 6, 2017October 9, 2017 di Lorenza CappaneraOctober 6, 2017October 9, 20170565 {:it} Max Ernst said: "the hat completes the man" but we would add "... and the woman too". Marinetti had even launched the "Manifesto... Read