Art and CultureTourism and EntertainmentFABRIANO: PAPER, CULTURE AND CREATIVITYLorenza Cappanera4 September 2023October 11, 2023 di Lorenza Cappanera4 September 2023October 11, 202301107 From 7 to 10 September Fabriano hosts the important initiative “Paper is Culture” of Fabriano Unesco Creative City. Fabriano's membership in the international Craft network... Read
Landscapes and Architecture{:it}Casa Zampini{:}{:en}HOUSE ZAMPINI{:}Lorenza CappaneraDecember 3 2014October 6, 2017 di Lorenza CappaneraDecember 3 2014October 6, 20171864 {:en} I had always been intrigued by the futurist movement, the movement that "brings its hands", that rolls up its sleeves and starts to get busy,... Read